Apply for National Farm Funding Schemes

Farmland with body of water for re-wildingFarmland with lake

The reduction in Basic Payments and their replacement with delinked payments until 2027 have promped many farm businesses to look elsewhere for secure sources of annual farm funding. There are multiple funding schemes available to farmers and landowners from Defra and other agencies such as Forestry Commission, but working out the best options for your individual farm business is not always straightforward.  

Our farm advice experts understand the challenges in making big farming decisions and can help you to: 

  • Understand the contributions of your individual farm enterprises to overall business profits
  • Refine your vision for the future resilience of your farm business
  • Compare and contrast the various funding schemes available
  • Identify the funding opportunities most suitable for your farm business
  • Clarify the requirements funding will place on farm activities 
  • Complete funding schemes applications.

We offer a very competitive hourly rate. To enquire, please get in touch using the short form below. 

Talk to us about your farm funding application

Get help with your application. Simply fill in your details below and we'll get back to you shortly.

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Agricultural Planning Appraisals

Applying for Agricultural Grants