Business Funding

Devon Elevation Fund

The Devon Elevation Fund, being part of the Community Renewal Fund, will provide grants of between £2,500 and £25,000 for projects that help businesses and community organisations
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Starting or growing a business will often require some form of business funding which could mean seeking a grant or a loan. Funding sources to consider include investors, grants, business bank loans and local authority funding. More recently, there have been a growing number of enterprises looking to alternative methods of business investment, such as crowdfunding.

We have close links with organisations that provide funding for small businesses, and we can advise you on the availability of funding across Devon. One of our experienced advisers, either on a commercial basis, or through one of our funded projects (depending on availability) can work closely with you to get your business ready and submit a strong application for funding.

Grant funding for small businesses in Devon varies greatly depending on a number of factors such as business type, industry and location.

Recent funding projects have put emphasis on rural businesses that are able to demonstrate that they will strengthen the local economy, create employment and support business growth.

Please see below for information on any local business funding.

Get the latest funding updates
If you're a business seeking finance, it's important to keep up to date on local funding opportunities. Stay ahead by signing up to our newsletter which regularly features all the latest funding news.

Select "yes" in the box above to subscribe to our email list. We will send you updates on upcoming free workshops, small business-related news and articles, as well as local funding and support no more than twice a month. We never sell or share your details with third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time. Please check our privacy policy to see how we store and manage your submitted data.

Local business funding

As part of the government's levelling-up programme, two funds have recently been introduced and are being distributed via local authorities. Both aim to boost the region's economy, and increase sustainable practices among communities and local businesses.

Rural England Prosperity Fund
View over Devon countryside with fields and farmland
For farm businesses, community projects, rural venues, tourism facilities, village halls, pubs, post offices, and natural, cultural & heritage sites looking to improve infrastructure and create job opportunities.

Devon Elevation Fund

The Devon Elevation Fund, being part of the Community Renewal Fund, will provide grants of between £2,500 and £25,000 for projects that help businesses and community organisations
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Green Impact Fund
View of Torquay
The Green Impact Fund is a capital grant scheme available in the Devon and Torbay area. It has been created to support businesses and community organisations in their efforts to adopt sustainable practices and technologies.

Devon Elevation Fund

The Devon Elevation Fund, being part of the Community Renewal Fund, will provide grants of between £2,500 and £25,000 for projects that help businesses and community organisations
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Devon Elevation Fund

The Devon Elevation Fund, being part of the Community Renewal Fund, will provide grants of between £2,500 and £25,000 for projects that help businesses and community organisations
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Devon Elevation Fund

The Devon Elevation Fund, being part of the Community Renewal Fund, will provide grants of between £2,500 and £25,000 for projects that help businesses and community organisations
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How we can help

We’ve been supporting rural businesses, communities and farmers for over 30 years, and we’re experts in preparing funding and planning applications.

If you are thinking of making an application and need help with business planning, financial forecasting, and a better understanding of how you can take your business or organisation on the journey to Net Zero then we can help under the fully-funded Prosper scheme.

For general enquiries, please get in touch using the form below. Alternatively email or call us, free, on 0800 592 872.

Devon Elevation Fund

The Devon Elevation Fund, being part of the Community Renewal Fund, will provide grants of between £2,500 and £25,000 for projects that help businesses and community organisations
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Culture, Leisure & Tourism Fund

View of Sidmouth beach and seafrontView over Devon countryside with fields and farmland

The Rural England Prosperity Fund has been created to boost the rural economy as part of the government’s levelling-up programme. £110m has been made available to be invested in projects that boost productivity, create rural job opportunities and support improvements in community infrastructure.

Investment will be distributed through local authorities, and the priorities of each area will be carefully considered. Farm businesses looking to diversify, community projects, rural venues, and tourism facilities could all benefit. Capital grants will also be available to support digital infrastructure in village halls, pubs and post offices, and to support new or existing natural, cultural and heritage sites. The parameters of the scheme are broad, creating a lot of opportunity for organisations and communities to be given an extra boost where it is needed most.

How to apply

If you’re looking to apply for the Rural England Prosperity Fund, here’s what you need to know:

  • The funding is available for both new and existing projects between 2023 and 2025.
  • How your project may impact the environment and how it sits with the government’s commitment to being net zero by 2050 should be considered, as this may be questioned on application.
  • How your project may benefit your local community is also likely to be questioned. For example, if the renovation of a farm or community building employs local builders and local people to subsequently run the business, the application is more likely to be approved.
  • Showing a clear and robust plan on your application is essential.
  • Funding pots will be allocated to local authorities, with application details to be announced when the funding is released. We’ll be updating this page with more information on this as soon as we have it.
  • Some local authorities have released information on how much funding they have been allocated:
    > See Teignbridge  
    > See East Devon
    > See Cornwall

How we can help

Unfortunately there is no funded support available but if you need assistance with your Rural England Prosperity Fund application, we can help you on a commercial basis, so please get in touch. We’ve been supporting rural businesses, communities and farmers for over 25 years, and we’re experts in preparing funding and planning applications.

Devon Elevation Fund

The Devon Elevation Fund, being part of the Community Renewal Fund, will provide grants of between £2,500 and £25,000 for projects that help businesses and community organisations
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Get in touch

Please fill in your details below to have a friendly chat with one of our experienced business advisors to help you find and apply for business funding.

Get the latest funding updates

If you're a business seeking finance, it's important to keep up to date on local funding opportunities. Stay ahead by signing up to our newsletter which regularly features all the latest funding news.

Select "yes" in the box above to subscribe to our email list. We will send you updates on upcoming free workshops, small business-related news and articles, as well as local funding and support no more than twice a month. We never sell or share your details with third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time. Please check our privacy policy to see how we store and manage your submitted data.

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