Starting a Business
If you are looking at starting a business, we can support you through an exciting and challenging time. There is a lot to think about and get right as well as some pitfalls to avoid. By sitting down with an experienced business advisor, you can discuss your business idea and and get some guidance on the next steps to take.
We have helped thousands of people make the jump to become self-employed. The support we offer includes:
- Preparing business plans
- Applying for grants and loans
- Marketing and sales
- Company formation
- Tax and self-assessment
- Employment
- Legislative requirements
It's a broad base of practical, no nonsense advice that builds the foundations of a strong business.
Depending on where you live or what sort of business you are thinking of starting, you may be able to get help from us for free or at a subsidised rate.
Help could be on a one-to-one basis with an experienced business advisor, in a small group session or on one of our free business skills workshops.
Download our free beginner’s guide to creating a marketing plan.