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Biodiversity Net Gain: An Introduction for Farmers and Landowners

7 March, 2024 - 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a way to contribute to the recovery of nature.

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a new piece of legislation that forces developers to contribute to nature recovery, by ensuring that biodiversity is left in a measurably better state, after a development than before. Where developers cannot deliver a 10% increase in biodiversity on their site, they must pay other landowners to create and improve habitats on their behalf. This has resulted in new opportunities for farmers to improve nature, benefit from their marginal/unproductive land, and make a profit while doing so.


Join this workshop to find out more, as we will cover:

  • What is meant by Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), and how does it work?
  • What is the role of farmers in delivering BNG?
  • Why should BNG be of interest to farmers and landowners in the SW?
  • What are the potential risks and benefits for farmers and landowners?
  • Who is driving, promoting and regulating BNG in the UK?
  • What are my next steps if I want to know more?


This workshop will involve a presentation with questions and discussion. If you already have questions you’d like to see answered, please send them beforehand to chris@naturalasset.co.uk. The session will be run by Chris from Natural Asset Partners.



This workshop is available to any farmer or land manager in Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Cornwall, or the Isles of Scilly currently in receipt of BPS payments.

To be eligible to participate in the Future Farming Resilience project and receive subsequent 1:1 support or attend further workshops, you will be required to complete a Monitoring Information form. Forms will be provided by your advisor, at a workshop, or emailed to you after an online workshop. Please ensure forms are completed swiftly. Please be aware that BIP may limit further access to specialist workshops or 1:1 advice, if the form is not completed.

If you have any questions please call us on 01837 659 059 or email team@businessinfopoint.co.uk. Please check our privacy policy and Devon County Council’s privacy policy to see how we store and manage your submitted data.


United Kingdom


Support Programme
Future Farming Resilience